Sifu Mike Lee at Wushu championships in Jakarta Indonesia

Sifu Mike Lee makes the U.S. team for full contact Kickboxing in Jakarta, Indonesia - November 2015

Dear Students & Families,

This is my third time being invited to represent our country at the World Wushu/Sanda Championships. I have been fortunate enough to compete before, in Toronto in 2009 and in Malaysia in 2013. Whenever I return stateside, it is always difficult to describe the enormous scope and sportsmanship of this international competition.

Over 200 countries from across the globe send their top Sanda fighters to compete at the World Wushu/Sanda championships in hopes of attaining personal glory and national pride. These athletes have trained for years, making personal sacrifices for just this one opportunity. In recent years, countries have been limited to send only their best five male fighters and three female fighters. I cannot begin to express the honor and the privilege to be one of only five male athletes from across the nation to represent you, the Tat Wong Kung Fu Academy, and our nation overseas.

One thing always remains the same…Your support. Each time I compete internationally, I am always amazed and grateful for the amount of support I receive from you as I prepare to fight. Your belief in me makes me feel superhuman and gives me purpose. Words cannot express how grateful I am to all of you for not only your sponsorship, but also for simply sharing this experience with me. It might be only me fighting, but it’s your best wishes and confidence in me that provides my strength.

Fortunately this year, you will be able to watch the competition live online.

The time difference between here and Jakarta, Indonesia is 15 hours ahead. I will be updating the Tat Wong Kung Fu Academy Facebook pages with my fight day and times. Hopefully, you’ll be able to watch, if not at least on replay.

Thank you again for all your support! A special thanks to Grandmaster Tat Wong, Master Chow, Sihing Brandon Chew for their coaching and guidance, all my sparring partners, my family and of course my future wife, Rowena for their unconditional support.



Sifu Mike Lee

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